Fear came to the neighbourhood of Arolahun, a street in the Mushin Local Govt. Area in Lagos state...notwithstanding, Mushin is a well-known area for peace until riot and havoc took over...
According to a source, SkyNaija learnt that the riot started yesterday in the middle of the night when suspected hooligans were seen carrying different weapons, moving round the street thereby creating fear in different homes...
A resident of the street named above told SkyNaija that these boys have been disturbing the peace of Arolahun street...she said:
"I was in my house yesterday when i heard some gunshots outside...i was scared and when i looked through the window, i saw some area boys carrying gun and cutlass"
"Today, the same set of boys came again this afternoon around 3pm...they were moving round the street, shouting...Along the line, they went to a shop where they sell soft drinks and took different crates of bottles and started breaking it and causing damages everywhere...until when the policemen came and took them"
I pray peace returns to Mushin!!!
Read more: SkyNaija Blog
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